Mobile Learning

More than 3 billion people – the majority of which live in rural areas – have no access to the internet. In a world where access to information and other services is becoming more dependent on the internet, organizations and governments find it difficult to reach rural, disconnected communities.

Our mobile learning service improves access to information and other critical services to unreached rural communities via mobile technology in local languages.

Our mobile learning platform provides mass communication solutions that can instantly reach across distance, language, and literacy barriers to delivering life-enhancing, and in some cases, life-saving information targeted to vulnerable populations in emerging markets – an organization can conduct training for farmers without physically being present, a mother can receive maternal health information from a local clinic; a policy-maker can study the supply chain and efficacy of vaccinations; urban planners can monitor water usage and distribution to vulnerable populations in emerging markets.

We use a fusion of mobile tools including Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to reach communities on the other side of the digital divide, often with low levels of literacy and without smartphones. The target audience does not need to read or write, speak English, own a smartphone, or download an application.

Some of the mobile learning features include:

Voice Polls

This feature enables conducting voice-based mobile phone polls. Questions are recorded and sent out in bulk to target audiences in the form of a normal phone call.

Users respond to questions by either pressing numbers on the phone keypad or with voice answers that are recorded and used for later analysis. You can create polls of multiple-choice or true/false questions.

Analytics and Reports

The platform provides an analytics module that generates dynamic statistics and reports. The system tracks the learning process of each learner, provides reports, grading, and certification where applicable.

Once a learner has achieved the required percentage of competency by answering at least 95 percent of the questions right, the system will send a message of successful course completion and retire him/her from the course.

mobile learning

Recorded Questions

Learners can leave recorded questions on the system and receive feedback from course instructors.

Once instructors have responded to a question, the system sends out a text notification to the learner. They can listen to the response by “beeping” the system number.

mobile learning data

Please enter your details below to test out our platform (please provide your Ugandan telephone number). You will receive an SMS notification with a number to “beep” and the system will call you back. You will then be able to browse through our demo course.

Other Services

Through partnerships with existing Micro finance institutions, and our network of village agents, we provide agricultural loans to farmer groups.

Our extension service heavily relies on partnerships with existing actors in the agricultural extension ecosystem. We integrate within their traditional extension to improve their efficiency and effectiveness

Available weather information sources usually provide data likely from a station that’s far away, rendering the data useless for local decision making.

Other Services

AIC is a consortium of insurance companies providing subsidized agriculture insurance under the Uganda Agricultural Insurance Scheme (UAIS) a Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement with Uganda Insurers Association (UIA) and Government of Uganda.

The platform uses our mobile application for data collection and is purposely built to improve the effectiveness, timeliness, and accuracy of data collection from rural areas where internet connectivity may not be reliable.