Farmer Profiling
Farmer profiling is the anchor of the M-Omulimisa platform.
All the other services provided by the platform such as input demand aggregation, extension services, and micro input loans rely on accurate farmer profiles collected through our network of village agents.
The profiling module is made up of three components: data collection forms, web server, and the web client. The platform uses our mobile application for data collection and is purposely built to improve the effectiveness, timeliness, and accuracy of data collection from rural areas where internet connectivity may not be reliable.
Farmer Profiling Platform Functionalities include:
- offline data collection and synchronization when connectivity is available
- provides an authentication feature to ensure data is only accessible to authorized data collectors
- adaptability to profile changes in case the content of the farmer profile needs to be changed
- capture of GPS coordinates for farms
- data validation at data entry for errors
- updating of existing farmer profiles by village agents and synchronization with the database
The platform dashboard displays data summaries on key performance indicator reports. It enables real-time overviews of project performance and advanced evaluations using analytical charts.
Farmer profiling provides for automatic generation of progress reports, and dissemination of information to farmers via purpose-built user accounts online disaggregated by key variables such as enterprises, location, user type among others.

Other Services
Through partnerships with existing Micro finance institutions, and our network of village agents, we provide agricultural loans to farmer groups.
Our extension service heavily relies on partnerships with existing actors in the agricultural extension ecosystem. We integrate within their traditional extension to improve their efficiency and effectiveness
Available weather information sources usually provide data likely from a station that’s far away, rendering the data useless for local decision making.
Other Services
AIC is a consortium of insurance companies providing subsidized agriculture insurance under the Uganda Agricultural Insurance Scheme (UAIS) a Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement with Uganda Insurers Association (UIA) and Government of Uganda.
Our Village Agent Model follows a holistic approach – so it provides a variety of services such as inputs acquisitions, agricultural finance, production and marketing.